Riley Inspired

These are poems inspired by my Buddha Buddy, Rliey.

Forever with me.

Hidden Gem

footsteps at dawn
with my canine cohort
a more precious thing
I cannot think
stopping to notice
smells on the shore
of some riverbank,
lake or lawn
oblivious to all
chaos in the world
joyfully biding our time.
approaching our home
once again I reflect
on the bond that was formed
long ago
and the impossible chance
that our hearts become one
through these moments
so special in life
First Walk

new spring breeze
in my hair
step after step
keeping pace with my
until he decides
to stop.
maybe smell around a bit
gives me pause,
a chance to remember
be here, now
like him.
everything is magnified
in that moment
myriad colors
course through the clouds
a slight tug
and we're off again
until, we

he was my friend
he was my teacher
he sat there, by my side

when I was down
he was my crutch
always willing to abide

a silent hearer
to all my woes
anytime or anywhere

sitting now
without you here
is something I can't bear

There was a time
we didn't agree, never
thought you would abide

But you entered my heart
when you took on the role
of sentry by my side

From that moment on
I think there were times,
would have thought you were talking to me

Turn it around and again,
I was there, acting just like 
you, my Buddha buddy

You started to slow
showing us time was short
so we set forth rather intentionally

To give you the greatest
year we could have
so grateful it worked out to a T

But that's how it's been
since we entered the path
together we walked, side by side

There wasn't a moment
once that bond took it's hold
from your sight, I could ever hide

Now as I sit here
without you beside
silence intrudes 
where once it was sought

This heart feels so heavy
as it's raised from the floor
But the weight of your love
keeps it soft

heart reflecting
universal light
ever growing
day and night
ceaseless tugging
on our core
feel the pulse
hear the roar
breathing deep
like the tide
ebb and flow
enjoy the ride
calm abiding
silent mind
what's left behind
include it all
nothing left out
keeping still
removing doubt
building faith
patience and more
doing nothing
here on the floor