What, exactly is the connection?
For me it’s hard to seperate dogs and Dharma. I entered a meditation path with a loyal companion by my side and continue to learn so much with our two rescues. When paying deep attention anyone or anything can offer beneficial lessons. I feel fortunate to have incorporated this mindset early on in my practice.
Noticing the way our dogs interact with the world often opens up a new perspective for me. Trying to maintain control of them on walks, while also giving them freedom to be who they are, is a constant challenge and a unique meditation in itself.
What is Dharma?
Definition of dharma (source: Merriam-Webster.com)
1Hinduism : an individual’s duty fulfilled by observance of custom or law
2Hinduism and Buddhism a: the basic principles of cosmic or individual existence : divine law b: conformity to one’s duty and nature
Above is the classic definition of dharma. In Buddhism it can mean the same but it can also mean any phenomena. Also in Buddhism, Dharma (with a capital D) denotes the teachings of the Buddha. It is important to understand the subtle difference of definitions in Buddhism compared to everyday language. The same words are used for different purposes, but that is for another post.
What I am speaking of in this post is mainly phenomena but also informed by the Buddha’s teachings. So, for me, the two definitions are almost always inseperable. If we are able to widen our minds enough, to fully comprehend the depth of phenomena as dharma, or even Dharma, we realize dharma is life. Life as it happens.
Dogs have been my best teachers.

Riley, the Best Friend I Ever Had
From the moment I started on this path I have had a canine companion. Our dog, Riley, was by my side for weeks while I was recovering in bed. Our bond became so tight during that time. He left our plane on February 10, 2020 and a new chapter in my life and practice began. Being with Riley as he passed is one of the greatest blessings of my life. I am so grateful for the friendship we shared.
Not everyone can understand how a dog can leave such an impression in ones life. That is truly unfortunate for them.
Dogma, how to recognize it.
Definition of dogma
1a: something held as an established opinion especially: a definite authoritative tenet b: a code of such tenets pedagogical dogmac: a point of view or tenet put forth as authoritative without adequate grounds
2: a doctrine or body of doctrines concerning faith or morals formally stated and authoritatively proclaimed by a church
In a short amount of time with the Buddhas teachings and one will see the absence of dogma.
There are, however, the Five Precepts:
1. to abstain from taking life
2. to abstain from taking what is not given
3. to abstain from sensuous misconduct
4. to abstain from false speech
5. to abstain from intoxicants as tending to cloud the mind
These are not rules for one for to be judged by but a set of self-avowed practices to undertake in an effort to lead a more peaceful life. The Buddha stated to not take his word on the effectiveness of these practices. Rather, he proclaimed, one should take these on for themselves and determine whether or not they are beneficial.
Dogma tends to trap one into a sense of knowing. In this mindset we are usually unwilling to entertain opposing viewpoints. Is growth possible when we are so entrenched in a belief that to question it is upsetting? The Buddhas Dharma encourages curiosity and investigation. As we proceed along our path, questioning what we’ve been taught and what we believe, we begin to open up to others in a more organic way.
Denouement and Dedication
I can’t state the depth of the teachings Riley offered. As I continue to get to know Lucy and Cooper more, and they continue to grow and change, lessons unfold daily. Not to mention the amount of joy we bring to each others life. For me, the student-teacher relationship can’t be more clear than my bond with my dogs. It’s hard to tell most days which one is student and which is teacher, but isn’t that also a lesson?
This post, website, and my practice are dedicated to all beings, in all forms. May we all be loved. May we live in peace. May joy touch our hearts daily. Thank you for you precious time, I do not take that for granted. Prayers for Ukraine.